During the festive period, not only the city centre of the capital will be aglow with joy, but also all the 21 districts of Vilnius will have a number of magnificent Christmas Trees. Various parties and festive performances will take place in the capital’s communities.
On 1st–21st days of December, a Christmas bus will visit every ward in Vilnius, inviting community members to meet and get to know their neighbors and offer Christmas treats.
Christmas bus schedule:
NAUJOJI VILNIA, December 1, Sunday, 5.00–7.00 p.m. | Gerovės str. 1, the square in front of the New Vilnius cultural center
ŠNIPIŠKĖS, December 2, Monday, 6.00–8.00 p.m. | Kintų str. 5, Šnipiškių Square
PAŠILAIČIAI, December 3, Tuesday, 6.00–8.00 p.m. | Žemynos str. 1
NAUJININKAI, December 4, Wednesday, 6.00–8.00 p.m.| Dariaus ir Girėno str. 11
KAROLINIŠKĖS, December 5, Thursday, 6.00–8.00 p.m.| L. Asanavičiūtės ir Sausio 13-osios str. intersection, Joensū Square
PANERIAI, December 6, Friday, 6.00–8.00 p.m.| E. Andrė str. 19, aikštė priešais Raudonuosius vartus
RASOS, December 7, Saturday, 5.00–7.00 p.m. | Subačiaus str. 124, Markučiai Manor Museum Park
VIRŠULIŠKĖS, December 8, Sunday, 5.00–7.00 p.m. | Laisvės pr. 60, A. Sacharovo Square
ANTAKALNIS, December 9, Monday, 6.00–8.00 p.m. | Antakalnio str. 17, Park of the Sapiegų Palace
FABIJONIŠKĖS, December 10, Tuesday, 6.00–8.00 p.m. | S. Stanevičiaus str. 24
JUSTINIŠKĖS, December 11, Wednesday, 6.00–8.00 p.m.| Rygos str. 15
PILAITĖ, December 12, Thursday, 6.00–8.00 p.m. | Vydūno str. 17A
ŠEŠKINĖ, December 13, Friday, 6.00–8.00 p.m. | Šeškinės str. between the 26th and 32nd houses
LAZDYNAI, December 14, Saturday, 5.00–7.00 p.m. | Architektų str. 152
GRIGIŠKĖS, December 15, Sunday, 5.00–7.00 p.m.| Kovo 11-osios str. 36, Square near the church
ŽIRMŪNAI, December 16, Monday, 6.00–8.00 p.m.| Žirmūnų g. 143
ŽVĖRYNAS, December 17, Tuesday, 6.00–8.00 p.m. | Kęstučio str. 13, Tbilisio Square
VERKIAI, December 18, Wednesday, 6.00–8.00 p.m. | Rugių str. 1A
VILKPĖDĖ, December 19, Thursday, 6.00–8.00 p.m.| Savanorių pr. 42, Square in front of Maxima
NAUJAMIESTIS, December 20, Friday, 6.00–8.00 p.m. | M. K. Čiurlionio ir J. Basanavičiaus str. intersection, Sofijos Kymantaitės-Čiurlionienės Square
SENAMIESTIS, December 21, Saturday, 5.00–7.00 p.m. | Užupio str. 9, Užupio Angelo Square